The Telescope Drive

By vivek; Published 07 Jun 2011



BAS believes that the purchase of Equipment and telescopes will prove useful to most of its members. The creation of such a Library will enable people to overcome the massive barrier of having to 'Own Quality Equipment' and begin their journey in Amateur Astronomy with BAS's TELESCOPE LIBRARY. As a first step towards creation of a telescope Library for its members BAS has entered into some agreements to obtain a few telescopes (including the 17.5" Discovery Telescope).


However BAS being an NPO is primarily funded by individuals who share the Passion and love for the Subject and people who seek to help in the popularization of Astronomy. So, it is rather difficult for BAS alone to purchase or acquire such equipment without the help of her members. BAS thus request her members and well wishers to support in the creation of Equipment Banks. Your help and contribution will be highly appreciated by the Astronomy community.


You may help us in any of the following ways


  1. Make a Donation To the TELESCOPE FUND (by Cash/Cheque/DD/Online TRasnfer)
  2. Design and Manufacture of the Truss Dobsonian Mount for the 17.5” Telescope
  3. Purchase of Accessories and filters for the Telescopes


Donations can be made in either of the following ways:



You can donate by Cheque/DD favoring  'Bangalore Astronomical Society' and send the same to the address mentioned below:


Vivek Yerkadithaya

 Secretary -Bangalore Astronomical society

#8 , Ayodhya ,24th Main Road

J.P. Nagar 1st Phase

Bangalore -560078


Alternatively if you prefer to pay by Cash or have one of our coordinators collect your contribution then you can Call the Secretary at 9916435530 or E-mail us at



Another mode of payment is via Online Transfer. You may send us your contributions to the account mentioned below

Account Holder's name: Bangalore Astronomical Society

A/C No: 004701046124

Bank:ICICI Bank

Branch: Koramangala, Bangalore

Note: Please do mention your name the remarks field so that we can recognize you !

Eg: If your name is Peter , then please type ' Donate-peter'


Please do not hesitate to write to us at for addressing queries or to discuss any issue. You may also call our secretary (Vivek Yerkadithaya) on +91-9916435530.