Sidewalk astronomy update. Day 8 till Day 18.
By admin; Published 19 Oct 2009
During the last 10 days (Day 8 till Day 18), over 2000 people in various areas of Bangalore participated in sidewalk night, and observed Jupiter and its moons. Inspite of Festival days, BAS volunteers demonstrated their strong passion and dedication for popularising Astronomy during the 30 nonstop sidewalk astronomy nights.
Places :
Mariyappana palya Park (Malleshwaram).
Shopper's Stop, Bannerghatta Road, (J.P Nagar 3rd Phase).
Purva Riverea (Marathalli)
Dhanavantari park (J P Nagar 2nd phase)
Shalini Ground (Jayanagar 5th Block)
Sahakaranagar main road
Shankaramatta Park (Rajajinagar)
R T Nagar Main Road
Ram Madir Ground (Rajajinagar)
Volunteers : Achyut, Ravi Babu, Viswakeerthy, Amar Sharma, Suma Rao, Parag Kulkarni, Sunil G, Madan, Sunil G R, Girish Kumar, Vivek Y K, Gautham G Amberkar, Sharanu, Raghunandan, Ajay, Keerthi Kiran, Akarsh, Pavan K, Utkarsh and Naveen Nanjundappa
That makes a total on 18 consecutive days of sidewalk astronomy and over 4300 people, 65 hours of telescope time and 25+ volunteers !