Observation Report - Astronomy Session @ Texas Instruments

By p6; Published 22 Dec 2007

The Bangalore Astronomical Society along with Texas Instruments astronomy club had organized an observation session at TI on 23rd of November 2007. This event was restricted to TI employees and their family members.

BAS members who attend the event were Pavan, Amar and Hemant. Chaitanya from Texas instruments helped us a lot in organising this event. The event started at 6:00 PM with focus on Moon. Jupiter was really low and only a few people could get a view of the moons of Jupiter. Moon was the main focus of the night and every one enjoyed seeing it at different zoom levels from 50x to 500x.

Objects to follow were Mars and the Orion Nebula. While Mars was disappointing, Orion Nebula kept its promise of being one of the best objects in the sky.

The event was attended by around 60-70 people with some of them staying troughout the session till past 10:00 PM. Overall, the event was good despite extremely bright lights in the surrounding areas and a less than ideal location to keep the scope.

More follow up evnts will be organized in coming months.