Day 3 of 30: Sidewalk Astronomy at Jayanagar, Malleshwaram and Hebbala!

By admin; Published 05 Oct 2009

We had the best skies so far in Bangalore today since 3 days, partial clouds but hardly any problem to see Jupiter and Moon. Today sidewalk was conducted at 3 different places in Bangalore.

Cumulative from 3 sidewalks today, about 500 people peeped through telescope to see Jupiter and moon, sidewalk astronomy were held at Jayanagar 4th Block, Malleshwaram and Hebbal Kempapura!

A lot of people gathered to look through the telescope and every one was eager to look at Jupiter and moon.

While telescope kept at Malleshwaram had some stability problem, we had to stop the sidewalk unfortunately. But Hebbal and Jayanagar performed very well.

Jayanagar ( 220 people, 6 inch dob, 6:30PM-9:30PM, Moon & Jupiter, Volunteers: Shyam and Gautham )

Malleshwaram ( 10 people, 2 inch, 7:00PM-7:20PM, Moon, Volunteer: Vivek )

Hebbal Kempapura ( 280 people, 6 inch, 7:00PM-8:40PM, Jupiter, Volunteer: Naveen Nanjundappa, Akash )

On its 3rd day, BAS hits an approximate 1000 headcount during its sidewalk night, with such weather conditions. which has given BAS volunteers a great motivation to go ahead in this sidewalk marathon.

Meet you all again at Malleshwaram @ 6PM on 5th Oct.

Volunteers during day 3 sidewalk : Naveen Nanjundappa, Vivek Y, Shyam, Gautham, Akash.

Day four- Place : Malleshwaram, Bangalore. @ 6:00 Pm.

Volunteer Achyut's Contact number: 9480121716
