Dear BAS Members,
As we had announced earlier, we are pleased to present "The Astrophotography workshop" on 27 & 28th April in Bangalore.
Dr. Suresh Mohan, who is one of the best Astrophotographers will be the main speaker in the workshop.
This will be a two day, intense workshop for Astrophotographers and people who are planning to start astrophotography. The workshop is organized in such a way that all of us learn from one another and share the knowledge we've gained.
Please mark your calendar for the event.
Here are the details of the event.
Day1:General Astronomy - Naveen Nanjundappa
Astronomical Equipment for Astrophotography - Sathya Kumar Prasanna
Wide Field Astrophotography with a DSLR and a tripod - Keerthi Kiran M
Day2:Advanced Astrophotography - Dr. Suresh Mohan
Astro Image Processing - Dr. Suresh Mohan
"How I did it" - (15 minutes each - After each session)
Manual Guided Astrophotography - Naveen Nanjundappa
Astrophotography with a Barndoor Tracker - Vishwakeerthy
Tracking the stars with Astrotrac - Sragdhara Dutta Choudhury
Last Stage of a Rocket - Sankaranarayana
Venus Transit Photography - Aditya Ravi
Dates: 27,28 Apr 2013 (That's next weekend).
Venue:Jain University
School of Graduate Studies, JC Road,
#34, 1st Cross, JC Road,Bangalore - 560027 Registration Fee: Rs. 500
How to register: Please transfer the registration fee online. Then, fill in this form. Thanks and Regards,
Keerthi Kiran M,